Sunday, 11 December 2011

How Willows Spread Vegetatively

Willows can only grow so tall in saturated bog, before they topple over.
This is for the Willows; both a way of staying ever-youthful and one method of sending out clones of themselves in different directions.

But the reason that this tree was believed to contain the magical ability, for a user to be able to gain immortality, was because the tree is technically immortal its self. For when it falls over, it roots in and all the branches become independent trees in their own right.
It is probably due to this regenerative ability of the Willow tree, that it takes so easily from cuttings.

I have noticed that Alders root into the rotting branches of Willow. The Willow Crawls over the swamp and the Alder's are not often far behind them.
Willows are the swampy equivalent of a shrub tree, carrying the transition from wet grassland, through to wetland woods.

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