Above a Hawthorn (left) and
a Willow (right) are closely examined.
This blog is really just to make an official note of the trees progress for the end of this year's growing season, which; despite this very hot late September weather is pretty much over now. Many of them are getting quite big. I can actually walk under them, and in many places the branches have joined those of their neighbours, to form a canopy, which, of course is necessary before many species of woodland plants, such as Wood Anemones & Skull Cap can be introduced.I planted these trees in year 7 (winter07 - spring 08) so they have just completed their 4th years growth. These plantations take up quite a vast area, but there are not really a whole lot of ungrazed patches of land left in my immediate vicinity, most of my work here seems to be just about done.
In the picture below; the local authority has removed the fence from around the playing field. Notice how carefully they have untangled it from my trees, not one of which has been damaged. Leaves me wondering, though 'What are they going to do here?'
The Rowan trees on the picture below (planted year 1); have already lost their leaves. They always are the first to do so. They actually stop most of their growth at the end of June and start to loose their leaves in August. Not an advisable plant for a screen to hide the neighbours.
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